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Leaflet Distribution Services & Prices

If you are looking for the cheapest leaflet distribution prices available, you certainly won't find them here.

Many leaflet distribution companies will try and promote the fact that they are the cheapest leaflet distribution company on the internet.

A quick Google search will bring up hundreds of results that will prove this theory. There are companies out there that claim they can provide a solus leaflet distribution for as little as £40.00 - £50.00 per thousand.

Our advice would be to run a mile in the opposite direction from this type of company.

If you think, a good leaflet distributor will deliver on average around 1,000 leaflets in a 6-8 hour period (Depending on how densely populated the area is).

So if a company is quoting £50.00 per thousand, for them to be making any sort of profit, they would need to be paying their members of staff around £15.00 to £20.00 for a full day's work. (Bearing in mind that a proper distributor can be covering upto 20 miles a day on foot whilst carrying around 15kg of leaflets) So it isn't exactly a "Stroll in the park".

With this in mind, there could actually be a number of different things really taking place. Either distributors are being exploited and paid far, far less than the national minimum wage, your leaflets could be being distributed with a number of others on a shared service, or your leaflets are not being delivered at all (Or at best only some of them are).

Unfortunately, the above practices are not uncommon within the leaflet distribution industry, as it has its fair share of unscrupulous organisations, that aren't looking to maintain your business for any length of time, and are happy to just "earn a quick buck" and simply disappear into the ether, once their poor practices have come to light, and more often than not, spring up again a few weeks later under a different name and repeat the process all over again.

With this being said, you may be able to find a small and reliable family run business that could possibly make these numbers work for smaller leaflet distribution campaigns, but for companies claiming to be large national distributors, these figures are simply not feasible if the job is being done properly.


There are a number of different leaflet distribution services to choose from, and each can be the difference between a marketing campaign being successful or not, please find a brief description of available leaflet distribution plans below, and click into the different options for a more in depth description.


If you would like to discuss any of the leaflet distribution services in even more detail, please feel free to give us a call and we will be more than happy to provide you with more info.

Solus Distribution - The premium leaflet distribution service that gives you total control over your campaign's timings and whereabouts and consistently delivers the highest response rate of all the services available. Find out More

Shared Distribution - The cheapest method to get your leaflets through doors with shared distribution, being flexible is the key to building a marketing campaign on a budget. Find out More

B2B Distribution or Business to Business leaflet distribution allows you to target other businesses that would be interested in what you have to offer. Find out More

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